“Kabuliwala” – a poignant and widely-acclaimed story by the Nobel Prize-winning Bengali master, now out in a brilliant new translation.
Set in Kolkata at the turn of the 20th century, “Kabuliwala” tells of the improbable friendship between a well-to-do young girl, Mini, and a traveling dried fruit seller. When the Kabuliwala returns years later after a forced absence, the encounter leaves both parties transformed.
“Tagore’s short tale, written nearly a hundred ago, remains undiminished by the passage of time. The adventure it relates—however sad and struck by misfortune it may be, and though it almost fell into oblivion—is as relevant today as it was then. Nothing has changed.” -From the foreword by Jean-Claude Carrière, award-winning screenwriter
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) was the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1913. He is considered to be one of the most important literary figures of the 20th century.
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